52 Weeks of Thankfulness #1

I was so pleased to be invited by Watching The Daisies to join a prompt at Haddonmusings called 52 Weeks of Thankfulness.  What a wonderful way not just to remind ourselves of the high points in life, but to spread that positivity across the internet and inspire others to realize the wonderful aspect of their own lives!

That said, here is my first post of thankfulness:

Up until the past few years of my life I had adopted a defeatist attitude.  Whatever happened in my life I just assumed there was nothing that could be done to change it.  I got stuck in a bad relationship, a bad job, and was unhappy with my life as a result. Two years ago I reconnected with someone from my past, who ended up being the love of my life.  From day 1 he encouraged me and told me I was strong and I could change the things in my life I didn’t like, and I could create a life that I love.  He was right.  And every day, every new decision I make affirms the truth of what he has shown me.  I have moved to a different state, gotten a new job, got the dog I’ve waited my whole life for, and am in a loving relationship full of joy and support.  And I know I  can’t control circumstances to bring about exactly what I want for my life, but I can certainly adjust my “sails” to bring me closer to my goals.


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